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Tildren 10 x 10 ml

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NL: REG NL 10079 - DE: ZNR 8-00564 - IT: AIC103601035 - FR: FR/V/7671510 7/2002 - Lux: V915/03/04/0750

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Tiludroninezuur: remmende werking op de botresorptie
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Disclaimer: Product op de foto kan afwijken van het daadwerkelijke product.

Audevard - Tildren 10 x 10 ml

Hulpmiddel bij de behandeling van kreupelheid geassocieerd met osteolytische processen, bij spat en podotrochleose welke korter dan 6 maanden bestaat.


Injectievloeistof na reconstitutie: Tiludroninezuur (als dinatriumzout) 5mg/ml. 


0.1 mg of tiludronic acid per kg of body weight per day for 10 days by slow intravenous route, i.e. 1 ml per 50 kg of body weight per day of a reconstituted solution containing 5 mg/ml of tiludronic acid.


The reconstituted solution is obtained by adding under aseptic conditions the solvent to the powder and gently mixing them.


- The product should be administered over 20 to 30 seconds for 10 ml.

- The side of the site of injection must be alternated from day to day.

- The product should be used immediately and not stored after reconstitution.

- Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Tiludronic acid 5 mg/ml
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