Vitamine E seleen 50 ml

Alfasan Diergeneesmiddelen
Expiry date:
Registration number:
NL: REG NL 1972

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Vitamin E and Selenium

Disclaimer: Product in the photo may differ from the actual product.

Vitamin E and Selenium, solution for injection

Vitamin E and Selenium are essential elements for a normal health and growth. This product is indicated for piglets with a deficiency in vitamin E and Selenium, as well as muscular dystrophy in piglets, calves and lambs, Mulberry's heart disease in pigs and weakness in newborn piglets. Deficiencies are also observed in sows. 


Instructions for use

Intramuscular administration. 

For preventive use:

- Calves: 2-4 ml
- Lambs:: 0.5 ml
- Pigs: 2-4 ml
- Piglets: 0.5 ml

For curative use:

- Calves: 4-8 ml
- Lambs:: 1 ml
- Pigs: 3-5 ml
- Piglets: 1 ml

Vitamin E acetate 100 mg/ml, sodium selenite 1 mg/ml

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