Our Partners


  • Equine High Performance Sports Group
    Bridging the Gaps in Education and Information to Support the Equine Athlete.
    We are a team of passionate equestrians, equine veterinarians, and researchers with a shared goal to facilitate and promote the development of equine and human athlete-centered projects as well as the next generation of best-practice guidelines, supported by science, in order to have a positive impact on the health, wellbeing, and longevity of performance horses.



  • On Paardenarts.nl you will find reliable, accessible information, written by equine veterinarians. You will find extensive knowledge articles, but also practical videos, downloads, tips & tricks and current information on topics such as horse nutrition injury prevention, reproduction, diseases and disorders, the older horse & more!



  • Formed in the United States, under the direction of Dr. Jean-Marie Denoix, The International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology (ISELP) is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Educational Association focused on lameness in the equine athlete. The goal of ISELP is to provide contemporary knowledge and techniques in the continually evolving field of equine locomotor analysis to better prepare the equine clinician to understand and manage lameness conditions in the equine athlete.

    "Continuing education of equine practitioners for a better management of patients"
    Founded in 2006, ISELP is rapidly growing and currently has members on all five continents.


  • FIDIN Association
    The FIDIN is an association of which manufacturers and importers of veterinary medicines can become members. The board of the FIDIN is elected by the members' meeting from the management boards of the member companies. Members of the board are appointed for a term of three years. To ensure continuity, the chairmanship rotates. The FIDIN is assisted by an independent legal consultancy, Brabers, which also provides the secretariat. Within the organisation, specific working groups and committees have been set up, each with its own field of activity.

    The FIDIN operates with a fairly rigid structure. The activities are clearly grouped under the headings of Registration Affairs, Veterinary Affairs and PR. The portfolio allocation is redefined each year.


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