Coffenal 50ml

Biowet Pulawy Ltd
Expiry date:
Registration number:
PL: 23/94 - LT: LT/2/09/1889/001 - HR: UP/I-322-05/21-01/202

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Solution for injection containing caffeine for arrhythmia and cardiovascular failure.

Disclaimer: Product in the photo may differ from the actual product.


Coffenal contains 80 mg/ml of caffeine. It can be administered to horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs and cats, used in arrhythmia and cardiovascular failure.

Therapeutic indications
Cardiac disorders and cardiovascular failure in the course of infectious diseases in non-life threatening conditions.

Do not use in case of acute heart failure, myocardial hypoxia.

Side effects
With subcutaneous administration of caffeine, local reactions associated with the irritating effect of the drug may occur.

Anxiety, agitation, and increased heart rate and arrhythmia may occur after intravenous administration of caffeine. An increase in respiratory rate is also observed.

Instructions for use

Amount to be administered per species, method and route of administration
Product for subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous use in the following doses:

- horse, cattle            5-20ml

- pigs, sheep, goats  1.5-7.5ml

- dogs                        0.25-0.75ml

- cats                          0.05-0.5ml

When determining the dose, the animal's clinical condition, weight, route of administration and individual sensitivity to caffeine should be taken into account.

After subcutaneous or intramuscular administration, the effect appears after 15-30 minutes, whereas after intravenous administration immediately. When necessary, the dose may be repeated after 6-8 hours.

Each 1 ml dose contains:

Active substance:

Caffeine       80 mg


Sodium benzoate (E211)    120 mg

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