Pre-order now: Bonpard Equimel

Bonpard Equimel is a high-quality milk replacer for orphan foals, foals with no or insufficient milk availability or sick foals. Bonpard Equimel is designed to meet the nutritional needs of foals and has a unique composition that is very similar to the natural milk of mares.
Bonpard Equimel is available in a 10 kg bucket, enough for one to two weeks of complete feeding for nursing foals. The milk replaceris easy to prepare and has the same dry matter content as natural mare’s milk when prepared according to the instructions.

Bonpard Equimel is intended for cases in which no milk of the mare is available, such as orphan foals or when the mare is affected by mastitis. Other indications for Bonpard Equimel are cases in which an insufficient amount or quality of milk is available, for instance twin foals or when the milk production of the mare is insufficient.
Bonpard Equimel can also be used when there is no or insufficient milk uptake by the foal, due to for instance health impairment or lameness of the foal.

Read and view Bonpard Equimel here.