Betadine Scrub 120 ml

Meda Pharma
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NL: RVG 08939

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Povidone-Iodine scrub
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Betadine Scrub 120 ml

75 mg/ml povidone-iodine

Betadine scrub is a disinfectant whose active ingredient, povidone-iodine, is a fast acting and long lasting micro-organism killer. Betadine Scrub acts as a hand soap and kills not only bacteria and molds, but also viruses (including COVID-19).

It’s effectiveness is based on slow releasing iodine from the povidone-iodine connection which causes no pain on the skin. Due to the brown color, which indicates the presence of iodine, the disinfected area is visible. The disinfecting effect of Betadine lasts al long as  the brown coloration is visible.

Povidone –iodine is a broad spectrum disinfectant. Insensitivity in bacteria against Betadine has not been registered.

Surgical hand scrub

Patient pre-operative skin preparation.


Contra indication:
Keep out of reach of children. Don’t apply on large skin area’s when suffering from hyperactivity of the thyroid. Use with caution when sensitivity to iodine or thyroid abnormalities are known. Do not use to prevent tetanus.


Instructions for use

Betadine can be used full strength for cleaning of minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. It can be used once or twice daily until the wound is healed.
You can spray it on, drip it on, or soak the injured part.

Suggested use for skin disinfection:
-Moisturize the skin and rub it in with Betadine Scrub for 5 minutes.

-Remove the foam with a moist sterile gauze.

-Apply a thin layer of Betadine Solution on the skin

Application of undiluted Betadine Scrub in open wounds should be avoided.
Betadine Scrub contains ingredients that can damage the skinstructure.

Povidone - iodine

Veterinary advice

Dosage and administration:
Surgical hand scrub: Rub 5 ml Betadine scrub onto wet hands and arms up to the elbows. Wash hands during 2 ½ minutes. Rinse and repeat.

Patient pre-operative skin preparation: Wet the operation field and thoroughly rub Betadine scrub onto the area during 5 minutes. Remove foam with a wet, sterile gauze and apply disinfectant.

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