Biest sachet


Ein zusätzliches Tierfutter

Colostrum replacement for the new-born foal.
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Pavo Biest 150 gram

Newborn foals don't have the necessary antibodies against infections yet. A foal will not produce these antibodies in sufficient quantities by himself until he is 3 to 5 weeks old. To be able to tide this period over, the foal must get these antibodies through the colostrum. If a foal hasn't been able to drink sufficient colostrum, or none at all, it is extremely important that the foal gets colostrum as soon as possible. One possibility is giving Pavo Colostrum within 12 hours after the birth of the foal. Antibodies can only pass the intestinal wall the first day after birth. Within 12 hours after birth the body will absorb the antibodies very well, after 24 hours almost not at all. Most important qualities * Provides the new-born foal with life-saving antibodies against infections * Provides the build-up of resistance and energy in a natural way * Helps prevent diarrhea * Long shelf life * Easy and quick preparation * For motherless foals * For foals whose dam doesn't have sufficient or no colostrum * In case of a blood disease (Rhesus factor)


Feeding instructions * Heat 1 liter mare-milk or Pavo Foal-milk to a hand-warm temperature (38-40 °C). If no mare-milk or Pavo Foal-milk is available, low-fat milk can be used. Do not use merely water to mix the Pavo Colostrum, because water doesn't contain vitamins. * Add the complete contents of the Pavo Colostrum packet, and stir until all the colostrum powder has been dissolved. * Give the foal about 250 ml hand-warm colostrum milk ((38-40 °C) every hour, using a bottle with nipple or from a bucket Preparation - Tips * We recommend heating the colostrum-milk or keeping the milk warm au bain marie'. The 'au bain marie' method is heating something in or above warm water. Take a large pan or bowl with a minimum content of 1 liter and put this in or above a larger pan with hot water. The 'au bain marie' method prevents curdling or scorching. * Never use the microwave to warm the colostrum milk. * Use Pavo Colostrum when the mare has problems with her milk gift immediately after the birth of her foal (preferably within 3 hours, nut no later than 12 hours after parturition). * In case of very weak foal, or a foal that didn't get any mare colostrum at all, we recommend giving a second sachet of Pavo Colostrum. * For your comfort and peace of mind, request a complete health check of your foal by your vet within 24 hours after parturition. '
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