Neutradex 5L

AU: AUS 20186

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Muskel- und Urinbuffer für Hunde und Pferde
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Dieses einzigartige Ergänzungfuttermittel reich an Natriumcitrat (natürlicher Vorläufer von Bicarbonat) ist entwickelt worden, um die Milchsäurebildung in den Muskeln zu verringern und um dem "Tying up" Syndrom vorzubeugen.
Neutradex rezudiert die Steifheit und lindert die Schmerzen, die nach intensiver Arbeit, auf Grund vom Milchsäurebildung, entstehen können
Neutradex optimiert die Trainingsbedingungen und erhöht die Leistungfähigkeit 

1 Dose (50ml) ins Futter mischen oder direkt ins Maul geben


Routine Use Neutradex is recommended as a routine kidney tonic' after hard racing. It is not recommended for every day use because of its potential to increase the excretion of potassium by alkalinising the urine. Dose: The standard dose rate is 6mL mixed into the morning milk (or given by syringe over the tongue) for at least the first morning after a race or trial and preferably the two mornings following a hard race. Note: Do not give Neutradex within 24-36 hours prior to racing. Alkalinisation of the urine may increase the excretion of potassium and the flushing effect may wash-out other pre-race supplements such as B-Complex vitamins, reducing their retention time and benefit. Neutradex is a caramel-flavoured syrup '
NEUTRADEX Neutradex contains sodium acid citrate in a thick sugar syrup base. The acid-citrate salt is a buffering agent. It provides mild neutralising power against alkaline salts, but strong neutralising activity against acid salts that build up in the blood or urine following racing, trialling and handslipping. * Neutradex is most beneficial when used after a galloping to quickly neutralise lactic acid build-up in the muscles and blood to prevent soreness and discomfort. * The sodium in Neutradex stimulates the horse to drink which assists after race recovery. * Neutradex helps avoid dehydration after racing and flushes acid and metabolic wastes from the kidneys.
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