
Alimentation animale supplémentaire


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Black Psyllium - Psilli nigrum Semen

Complementary feed for horses

Black Psyllium - Psilli nigrum Semen - Plantago afra. These seeds expand when they come in contact with water and will produce mucilage. Our Black Psyllium is high in quality. Black Psyllium can be used to remove sand out of the gastrointestinal tract of horses.


Black psyllium forms a gelatinous mass when it comes into contact with water, in the intestines it binds accumulated sand to the intestinal contents and leaves the body when the horse defecates.


Black Psyllium - Psilli nigrum Semen is extremely suitable for administration via a nasogastric tube. After the seeds come into contact with water, it takes a while before the Psyllium seeds are transformed into a gelatinous mass. This delayed transformation reduces the risk of nasogastric tube obstruction during administration.


  • 100% pure black psyllium BIO, psyllium seed.
  • Easy administration via a nasogastric tube
  • Reduces the chance of nasogastric tube obstruction
  • For sand-eating horses/for horses with a suspicion of accumulated sand in the gastrointestinal tract or as a preventive measure against sand colic
  • Psyllium is not listed in the Equine Prohibited Substances Database
  • Now available in 1 and 8 kg


Instructions for use

Therapeutic dosage in case of sand in the intestines: 1 gram of psyllium per kg body weight of the horse for 7 to 10 days. In case of large amounts of sand in the intestine, the dosage can be doubled to 2 grams of psyllium per kg of body weight.


Horses susceptible to sand colic can be fed 0.5 grams of psyllium seed per kg body weight for 7 days as a preventative measure. Repeat this protocol every 4 weeks.

Psilli nigrum Semen - Plantago afra

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Psilli nigrum Semen - Plantago afra

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